Converting CallersCompanion to FileMaker 12 format
Last updated: 1 January 2013
These instructions will assist you in converting your existing Caller's Companion database to the FileMaker Pro 12 format which can then be used on an iPad with the free Filemaker Go 12 for iPad application. (Earlier versions of CC required the original version of FileMaker Go which cost $40).
To convert your copy of Caller's Companion, you will need to download the Mac or Windows version of the Conversion files. The download contains 2 separate folders: 1) CC_Convert, which will convert your existing CallersCompanion.USR data file, and 2) CallersCompanion2, a FileMaker 12 based version of the CallersCompanion "runtime" application. To use the converted file on the iPad, you will also need to download the free "FileMaker Go 12" application and then transfer your converted data file to the iPad using iTunes file transfer.
The steps are pretty straightforward:
- Download the Conversion files for: Macintosh or Windows
- Put a copy of your current CallersCompanion.USR data file on the Desktop
- Run the CC_Convert application file and follow the instructions
- CC_Convert will create a file named "CallersCompanion.CCC" that should appeare on your Desktop. Rename this file to "CallersCompanion2.USR"
- Drag the renamed file to the CallersCompanion2 folder included with the Conversion files that you downloaded.
- Double-click on the CallersCompanion2 app in the CallersCompanion2 folder. If you see your data, you have successfully converted to FileMaker 12 format.
- Drag the CallersCompanion2 folder wherever you would like to keep it and delete the CC_Convert folder and related files.
To use CC on your iPad transfer the CallersCompanion2.USR file to the iPad using the iTunes File Transfer function. You will also need to have installed "FileMaker Go 12 for iPad". I will try to have a separate iPad specific page with details, but that's the basics of how it's done. And, as Nils found out recently, make sure you have backup copies of your USR file stored somewhere handy. Keeping a copy in Dropbox is a good way to manage this.
If you have problems, find these direction unclear or inaccurate, please let me know by email. And thank you in advance for your patience, Callers Companion is a "labor of love" for the most part, my gift to the caller community. I will respond as quickly as possible. ~Will